Saturday, March 23, 2013


Trash Can Candy (Topps Chewing Gum) 1975

Topps corporate leaders became hesitant in continuing with new products because of the high financial risk and stagnated in making decisions.  I proposed a few new container ideas but they continued to be hesitant about decisions.  Finally, I designed and engineered the less expensive Trash Can container for small fee. The Trash Can was very successful for many years thereafter.

This is a rather short story for such a successful and well loved product. There is a lesson in here some where about the value of ideas and marketing I am sure.  Maybe some MBA student can write his thesis paper on the subject.

Photos  Reise Obrien visit his site at

Fire Plug story coming soon! 

Monday, March 11, 2013


Snap-a-Gator (Topps Chewing Gum) 1973

I applied the Mira-Hinge Corp spring hinge technology when creating the Snap-a-Gator, the second container for Topps Chewing Gum.  The kids loved it because they were able to bite each other by snapping the spring loaded alligator jaw with their thumbs.  The teeth were recessed so no one could get hurt.  My son recall a little girl classmate in the 4th grade who walked around the classroom with the Snap-a-Gator in her pocket with the head sticking out.

I started to create the Snap-a-Gator concept by sketching a top loading container.  A few characters of interest were selected but the alligator drew my attention.  I envisioned the Alligator to be the best selection because its jaw opens upward a naturally.  The Spring Hinge Geometry contributed towards a natural fit and became part of the jaw’s rear muscle.  By adding lifelike features and surfaces, the container took on a somewhat realistic appearance.  In order to make a plastic injection mold, the entire container had to be hand carved by a skilled sculptor in the field by the name of Mr. Bob Lemon.  He accepted the challenge and when he finished carving we had a lifelike reproduction of an Alligator body and upper jaw.  The material of choice used to carve the figure was Acetate.

This material carves best and allows minor errors to be quickly corrected by adding a new piece of acetate to the error spot with Acetone then continue carving.  The carving was sent to the caster to begin making a large production mold.  Getting the Snap-a-Gator out to the market was top priority.  Unfortunately, Mr. Shorin refused to wait the required additional week to harden the steel mold and gave the orders to run the unfinished mold and start production.

Although the Snap-a-Gator experienced fantastic sales, production capability was spotty at best.  As a result of running the non-hardened mold, the steel squashed under the great pressure of molding and the critical fit dimensions were lost.  There were many problems that occurred during the life of the mold causing many expensive stop-to-repair periods.  Many of the cavities were no longer operative and eventually the mold destroyed itself and the product ceased to exist.

Special Thanks To Tina D.  for photos of Snap A Gator.